Knees not loving the treadmill so much?
Feel like you've hit a fitness plateau?
Consider Masters Swimming

- A challenging workout incorporating all swimming strokes
- Open to all swim levels
- Focused on improving swim technique
- An encouraging and fun environment
I've never done this before -- what should I expect?
Whether you have swum competitively or mostly just dog-paddled, Masters Swim is for you!
- While the sessions are 90 minutes long, it's not expected that you stay the entire time. Come during that window and stay for as long as works for you.
- If you've thought about doing a triathlon but never felt your swimming was adequate for you to actively pursue that goal, Masters instructors work with you to prepare for your event.
- Some Masters newcomers feel more comfortable taking a few private lessons first before moving to the open Masters Swimming sessions. See the contact information below if you feel this route is best for you.
- Swimming offers full-body fitness and toning in a non-impact environment, and can make for a great change or addition to your workout regimen. A session or two of Masters can help you work up to lap swimming on your own for the greatest benefit to your overall fitness.
Purchase either 12 or 24 swim sessions -- you can use them during designated hours (Mon. mornings, 5:30-7 a.m., and Tues. evenings 5:30-7 p.m.) through September 3.
Register at the front desk, or if you have questions, contact Fitness Director Kate Rogan by e-mail or at (262) 321-0200 x205
Do participants have to be Razor Sharp members?
Nope! Members get preferential pricing, of course. But anyone can take advantage of our beautiful salt-water pool and comfortable facilities.
And, the prices?
Package Members Non-Members/Guests
12-session $120 $180
24-session 200 250
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